
Update: March 2019

Celebrating 12 Years

2019 marks the 12th year the Six Nations Language Commission (SNLC) has been operating. At present, the SNLC supports programs for three languages and it has been a busy year as they strive to create a critical mass of new speakers.

Six Nations is fortunate to have a number of groups, organizations and schools that support language revitalization. Language programming is available in the daycares, in the elementary and high schools, in the Indigenous Institutes and there are also efforts that happen as individuals attempt to learn on their own.

These organizations have also developed language resources, like Six Nations Polytechnic, who designed and created a Cayuga and Mohawk language app, or the Cayuga Our Oral Legacy Project, which created an online dictionary for iOS.

Ongoing Funding Challenges

However, funding for language revitalization efforts continues to be a challenge. Over the past few years SNLC has been able to count on the local, financial support of the Six Nations Elected Council, Six Nations Community Development Trust, the Haudenosaunee Development Institute, and Grand River Employment and Training. External financial support has come from the Ontario Trillium Foundation, Heritage Canada, and Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada.

One of the adult immersion language programs were also recipients of funds direct from the National Indian Brotherhood. Yet another of the adult immersion program received funding support from the Ontario Ministry of Education. Programs have also successfully partnered on research projects through the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC). Finally, there are also individual private donors who believe in revitalizing our languages through monthly or one-time donations. These funds assist in supporting initiatives where funding is otherwise restricted or limited.

Other Activities

In 2013 and 2016 respectively, the SNLC co-hosted two language conferences which looked at best practices, archiving, lexicalization and documentation. The second of these conferences was videotaped and those videos are now available on our YouTube Channel.

We are also wrapping up a project that created Cayuga and Mohawk resources and books for learners. The purpose of this project was to create more resources that would be helpful across different learning levels (i.e. the three learning levels identified by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages: Novice, Intermediate, Advanced).

Other Supports

The Grand Erie District School Board has also continued to support the Cayuga and Mohawk languages by offering them in secondary schools. Onkwawenna Kentyohkwa is currently running a first and second year adult immersion program. Dwadewayehsta Gayogohono is running a second year program and the Gawenahwishe Onodagega is currently running a first year program.

Our Board

The Six Nations Language Commission Board meets monthly, and are always on the lookout for interested community members to serve on it or to volunteer. If interested, please contact use for more information at 905-765-5595.

Finally, please “like” us on Facebook and subscribe to our new Youtube channel!